Managing ePins and using epins as a means of payment on your site
You may sell ePins to your site users. Your site users in turn may use the ePins to buy something you are selling on the site. The ePins are electronic personal identification numbers and are to be kept concealled.
The ePin concept:
- Admin creates and names ePin packages.
- Admin puts a price on the ePin package so that for example, an ePin package named "Personal ePin" costs GHS20 (image below).
- When a person buys this ePin package which costs GHS20, the user in turn may receive an ePin whose value is GHS20 and the ePin will be a series of numbers, e.g. 7394 4303 0000 0003 (image below).
- Suppose an item you are selling on your site costs GHS20. If the user wants to buy that item on the site and you have permitted the use of ePin as a payment option, then on the checkout page where the user is to make payment for the item, the user may enter the ePin, "7394 4303 0000 0003" as a means of making payment to purchase the item.
- If a user enters a valid ePin for making payment for an item and the value of the ePin equals the the price of the item, then the payment may go through successfully right away without having to wait for admin's verification or approval.
Managing ePin Packages
Managing ePin packages means creating, editing, activating, deactivating, deleting etc the ePin Packages.
- To create an ePin package, log into the admin part of the site.
- Go to "ePins".
- Click on "New ePin Package".
- A page may open where you may find a form for creating the ePin package.
- Fill the form for creating the ePin package.
- Write the name of the ePin package in the field named, "Name or Tile".
- You can safely ignore all the other fields and jump to the portion of the form titled, "Price Options: in case this item is priced".
- At the field labelled "Currency", choose the currency in which you want to sell the ePin.
- At the field labelled price, enter the price you are charging for the ePin package. Enter e.g. 20.
- You may ignore the field labelled, "Price Per Period" as well as the other fields.
- Click on "Create Pin Package" button to create the ePin package.
- If this ePin package you have created costs e.g. GHS20, then a user may pay GHS20 to buy it and once the user has bought it, the user may use the ePin to buy an item on sale worth GHS20 on your site.
- Once an ePin has been used to purchase an item, the same ePin is not allowed for making payment again.
Updating an ePin Package.
If you have created an ePin package and you wish to make some changes to it, then you may follow the steps below:
- Go to "ePins" at the admin part of your site.
- Click on "All ePin Packages".
- A page may open where you may take an action to edit, activate, deactivate or delete the ePin package.
NOTE: if you deactivate, or delete an ePin package, then all users who have purchased ePins from that ePin package may not be able to use their ePins from that ePin package to make payment on your site.
NOTE: if you change the price of an ePin package after users have bought ePins from that ePin package, then the users may not be able to use their ePins from that ePin package to make payment on your site