Mailing List

The mailing list is a list of users on your site who have subscribed to receive post updates on your site by email.

  1. In order for a person to be on your mailing list, the person must enter his or her email address on a subscription form to subscribe for post updates on your site or the person must register as a user on your site.
  2. When a person subscribes to post updates via the subscription form, the person's email will be on the mailing list alright.
  3. However, the person will have to verify his or her email address before the post updates from your site will be sent to him or her.

To manage mailing lists, you may follow the steps below:

  1. Log into the admin part of your site.
  2. Go to "Users".
  3. Click on "Mailing List".
  4. A page will open where you will see a list of names and emails making up the mailing list.
  5. Under the name you want to manage, you may click on "Activate", "Deactivate" or "Delete".

CAUTION: if you click on "Delete" under a name, the name and its corresponding records like email will be deleted and removed from the mailing list without further warning.

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